For Writers and Artists/Illustrators looking for employment:
Employment at Xigency Studios Inc. is normally done on a project by project basis. Although we are looking for full time staff, most employment opportunities will be on a work for hire contracts. Also, you will be required to sign a disclosure agreement to protect the intellectual properties of Xigency Studios Inc. characters. Lastly, all applicants must be willing to work under strict deadlines for projects. Please refer to the requirements for each individual position. All submissions for an employment position must be sent to Submittals@xigencystudios.com or via mail to Xigency Studios Inc. Employment Submittal, 8022 Harper Ave., Chicago, IL 60619. Make sure you include a cover letter which states the employment position for the submittal. You may be judged for more than one position as long as the submission means the requirements for the position and the cover letter states the same.
All writers must submit in the following materials:
A sample of a script which is copyright to yourself
A copy of the copyright certificate or the Registration number of the copyright for the script
Page rate for your services
You may submit any concept art work if it will help with understanding the story and/or script. Also, references from any other company or creator may be submitted with the above information.
All pencilers must submit in the following materials:
A sample of sequential artwork (2-4 pages)
A sample of pin-up artwork
A sample of concept sketches
Page rate for your services
You may submit references from any other company or creator.
All inkers must submit in the following materials:
A sample of final inks of sequential artwork (2-4 pages)
A sample of final inked pin-up artwork
Page rate for your services
You may submit references from any other company or creator.
All colorists must submit in the following materials:
A sample of colored sequential artwork pages (2-4 pages)
A sample of colored pin-up artwork
Page rate for your services
You may submit references from any other company or creator.
All letterers must submit in the following materials:
A sample of lettered sequential artwork pages (2-4 pages)
Page rate for your services
You may submit references from any other company or creator.
All editors must submit in the following materials:
A sample of before and after edits to sequential artwork (2-4 pages)
A sample of before and after edits to scripts
A sample of a schedule which is used in maintaining a deadline
Rate for your services
You may submit references from any other company or creator.
Note: Even though you are submitting a rate for your services, Xigency Studios Inc. reserves the right to negotiate final rates for your services. Rates included in the submittal are use for selection purposes for employments.